Monday, July 23, 2012

Persuasion and Manipulation in Communication

Human Communication

It is when a person influences the mind of others through language.  We usually try to attempt to influence when we communicate with others, verbally or non-verbally.  We are influenced by what we hear and see in our lives daily.  What we choose to process or take in is important when trying to negotiate our behavior, attitude, and what we perceive as part of the framework.  The information that we process can change or reinforce what is already stored in our personal vaults.  The three terms, persuasion, manipulation, and seduction are sometimes used interchangeable when relating them to human communication.
               To some, persuasion might mean one thing while to others it might mean something totally different.  Persuasion is a conscious attempt by a specific person or group to change the beliefs, attitude, or behavior of another person or group through the transmission of some message.  Persuasion is the name given to the type of communication that brings a change in people’s lives.  It is communication with intentions to affect how others think, feel, and act towards someone else, an object, or a group idea.  Persuasion usually involves one or more persons who are involved in creating, modifying, reinforcing, or extinguishing beliefs within the constraints of a given communication context.  Persuasion can sometimes lead to change in a person’s behavior. 
               While they are both intentional, manipulation and persuasion, manipulation is a technique powered up by different methods that does not only influence the person receiving the message but it also deceives them as well.  Manipulation takes place when a person consciously triggers an automatic response from someone who is not a conscious thinker.  Manipulation conceals its intentions.  Bottom line, it may not always be a smooth sailing but we are all learning.  We should be greatful for the patience nature shows for the attempts all human beings make.     
                 To conclude, it is important to realize that a lot of our everyday communication with others is spent influencing others or letting others influence us.  At times we might see the lines blurry when influencing takes place.  Moral stigmas are definitely attached to each of these different types of influencing techniques.  We must remember to be sincere, honest, and trustworthy when communicating with others.  Not only are we trying to persuade them into something that will benefit us and them, or one or the other, but we must get them to engage in our message by listening with their hearts so that they can see that we mean well.  We should show the knowledge we have of what we are speaking about and treat them with respect and courtesy.  In the end, the choice is yours of how much you decide to open yourself to different influences and how you decide to influence others as well. 

Why I Chose Communications Studies

My motivation for studying communication is to better serve our nation.  I would like to be able to communicate across a wide range of situations with the media.  If we think about it, our whole day is spent in a kind of communications, whether it is listening, talking, reading, or writing.  With a communication degree, there are lots of jobs to choose from.   

Some of the benefits that the understanding of communication gives us in our personal life are to help us communicate better with family, friends, a mate, neighbors, etc.  To better understand who we communicate with on a daily basis and to avoid any misunderstandings, conflicts, and anything that might cause us problems.  It is very important to be able to know how to express yourself to others and when to do so.  In our professional lives, communication embraces knowledge and focuses on how people use messages to generate meaning within various cultures, channels, contexts, and the media.   Communications plays a significant role in many jobs such as management, sales, mediator, etc.     

The definition that comes closest to my own personal definition of communication is that speech communication is a human process through which we make sense out of the world and share that sense with others.  That’s the definition that comes closest to me because I believe that in order to have a successful communication with others, we need to share our feelings, opinions, ideas, etc., with others so that they can better understand us.

"Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people." - William Butler Yeats

Monday, July 9, 2012

Resolving Conflict

It is very important for a department manager to be a clear communicator.  That is, knowing how to tactfully and effectively deliver any type of news and in this case, how to deliver bad news.  In order for employees to take their manager’s word in good times, they need to choose their words wisely.  It is also important to begin a difficult conversation by listening.  At times, employees are going through personal problems or problems within the workplace that managers aren’t aware of and all they need is someone to listen. 

As I mentioned above, I would start by listening instead of talking.  I would sit down with this employee and try to get to the bottom of this by finding out why he/she is having such confrontational behavior.  I would start asking questions such as “How are you doing?”, “How are you feeling?” etc., and I would just stay quiet to listen to him/her answer.  Letting the employee know that I care for their well being as well, will help built that trust that an employee should have with their boss.

It will eventually get to the point where I start the talking but I must look relaxed and look straight into the employee’s eyes.  As I respond, I would use a word or two from the previous sentences the employee said so that he/she realizes that I am paying attention to what is being said.  I’ve noticed that doing so helps a conversation run smoothly because both the speaker and the receiver are listening to each other.  Also, being courteous to one another will help us remain constructive even under pressure.    

Trying to get straight to the point isn’t very smart because it would make the employee nervous and might not speak with the truth in order to not lose his/her job.  Instead, I would explore perceptions before trying to define reality.  I would ask him/her if they thought their behavior has been acceptable these past few days/weeks and take it from there.  After getting to the point of the meeting, the problem will be discussed and I would try to make sure the conversation stays in a comfort zone so that I can be spoken to with the truth.  I think in order to solve a problem effectively; the listener needs to understand where the other person is coming from.    

The first thing that comes to mind is that he/she will say that they are having personal problems and haven’t been able to focus at work like they should be doing.  We would then have to set out the facts and agree on the objective together.  Observing elements that could have an impact on the decision is also a good idea.  Exploring options together helps open the idea that there might be a third position might or might not exist and if you work effectively, you can get to this idea together. 
            Depending on how he/she has been answering questions and reacting to what I’ve had to ask and say, then it will show me if the person really wants to stay or not.  If I am showed that the person would like another opportunity to remain in the business, then I would give it to them.  I would let him/her know that they need to prove to me that these types of situations will not happen again because customer satisfaction is very important and so is getting along with co-workers.  Focusing on the issue and not on the person is the key here and that is exactly how I would go by solving this problem once and for all.  Managers should always be calm, patient, and respectful because that is what invites employees to trust managers and creates a great and warm environment to work in.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Media Technology

Internet The internet works for everything from searching the definition of a specific word to searching for a job.  Don’t know how to get somewhere and need driving instructions?  Look it up on the internet.  Want to try out a new place to eat?  Look it up on the internet?  Want to know the show times to a specific movie on a specific day?  Look it up on the internet.

 Information resource is the biggest advantage that the internet offers.  Communication is the internet’s primary goal and its target is speedy communication.  Why?  Because the internet is a fast way to communicate with someone who you don’t feel like talking to in person or on the phone.  Sometimes we are having “one of those days” where we don’t want to hear from anyone but are wondering what’s going on and that’s when Facebook or Twitter come into place.

You can also find a lot of different ways to entertain yourself on the internet such as music, video games, movies, etc.  The internet is also a way to check the news and that’s the way I check it because I’m more on the computer than I am awake at home.  The audience for which internet is intended would be for toddlers from as young as 2 years old and elderly people who are curious to learn about the internet. 

Blogging People who blog do it for different reasons such as to refine writing skills, increase their knowledge, or because that’s the way they earn income.  Some bloggers feel that blogging is a way to motivate them and once they are motivated, they feel as if they can motivate others who need it.  The audience would be anyone old enough to read and who would benefit from what the blog is about. 

Blogging also offers the ability to pursue your passion and helps you build a platform.  It is a way to help you connect with others who are big influencers.  By connecting with others you build a relationship and what’s better than connecting with other people who also share the same passion you do?  As people blog, their knowledge base also increases and they love to learn to be able to share what they know. 

It is also to be known that blogging helps people solve problems.  How?  Sometimes people blog something that somebody needed to hear.  For instance, I have a friend who is really into reading blogs and about 3 months ago, she read an answer of something personal she was going through and didn’t know how to handle.  It must be a good feeling that bloggers feel to see when someone responds with a thank you and how their blog changed this person’s life (to better that is). 

Mobile Phone Is becoming an essential part of life as it is the way most people communicate nowadays.  Whether they use it to make phone calls, to text, or for the internet, mobile phones are a way to stay connected anytime and anywhere.  The audience for which mobile phone is intended would be for all ages.  Anyone can use a phone, kids, teenagers, adults, elderly, etc.  For what purpose they use it, that’s a different story but as far as to talk, anyone who has one or borrows one from someone who has one can use it. 

A mobile phone does offer a lot of independence and freedom and more people each day are depending on a phone for some reason.  Mobile phones have opened lots of doors, doors that we had never heard of before.   It is great to have if you happen to find yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere or have a problem and need to get a hold of someone.  Before mobile phones existed, you had to figure out how to fix a problem without a mobile phone and it wasn’t that easy at times. 

It is of a greater benefit for people in poor countries who want to get a hold of their family in another country.  A few mobile phone companies are offering affordable plans that include international calling.  When traveling, the best and fastest way to keep in touch with someone is through a mobile phone.  It is also convenient over having to carry a laptop wherever you go to get a hold of someone.  It is also an advantage because even if you did have a laptop you can take with you, not everyone has access to a computer or knows how to use a computer.    

Online Printing You can basically print anything virtually that you want.  Such as documents, photos, labels, booklets, shirts, etc.  It can even be done in the convenience of your home and it’s affordable (if you don’t need to print tons of things each day).  This can be done by anyone who learns the process of printing and who has varied needs that need to be catered.

You can print from the convenience of your home without having to worry about going out and printing.  All you need is a good printer (a laser preferably); ink, paper, and you’re ready to go.  If you are going to print pictures, you need the photo paper and if there are other special things you need to print, then you’d need to get extra supplies.  If you print a lot, it is recommended to get your own supplies and do it from home because in the long run, it will save you a lot of money and a lot of time. 

If you don’t feel confident on having printing tools at home because you’re not sure you will know how to get the job done, then you can always hire a company to do your online printing.  There are lots of benefits for online printing and having someone do the printing for you guarantee’s you to get the process done faster and the prices might be more affordable.   Just browse around and compare the quality and the price.